The world’s first fully-certified biodegradable shaped hot melt adhesive*
• Biodegradable packaging adhesive.
• Non-toxic, made using 44% bio-based materials.
• High quality packaging adhesive suitable for use
on cardboard and paper substrates.
• Available in 12, 15 and 43mm sizes to suit any
size Tec glue gun.
• Tecbond 214B is certified to ASTM D6400, EN13432,
ASTM D6954 and ASTM D6866 standards.
How Tecbond 214B works
• Breakdown process begins upon exposure to oxygen, UV light
and heat – all naturally occurring environmental conditions.
• The long-chain polymers are broken down, allowing the
material to eventually be consumed by micro-organisms.
• The process leaves behind only non-harmful products
– no microplastics.
• *Tested in industrial composting conditions.